Friday 19 September 2008

When not portrait but use landscape

Why I want to diff between them?

I have seen photos where people have used portrait to take photos of landscape.
If you are thinking, so what if I do that?
Well you have in hand a good photo that you could have taken but have wasted it.

What do you I see in the photo?

When you have a large background with lots of distance behind some item of interest. What I would like to see in the photo is,
a. The item of interest as clearly as possible
b. Also be the background as clearly as possible to capture the distance
c. See both these objects in their natural colours

How to do this?

Now to get this working you need to understand that portrait is not the option to take these above picture. What portrait does in focus too much on the object that are close by. And blur the background.
What this does is, you loose the background as some blurred wall poster. You do not get the feel from the picture that you are in a grand location with big background.
And you loose the colour of the background as well.

The only thing left is sharply focused closer object. Thatz it.

Sample Photo

Portrait mode that should have been taken in landscape