Wednesday 17 September 2008

My gadgets and what what helps and pains me

Well after long considerations and a host of other choices that I had, I have with me a Sony H9. It is a good camera for a starter like me.

And as I am a starter and I would possibly take the same photo at least 20 to 30 times, before I get it right. I have gone for 4 gig monster memory. And yes it has helped.

But what has me in a spot is the battery. It does not last as long as I would like it to.
So now I have borrowed another battery from my friend. He is kind enough to lend that to me.

Some times even these 2 are not enough. So I have ordered another one from Amazon.
Even my H9 and the 4gig monster as well from Amazon actually.

If you are thinking of going for H9, then think again. There is a upgraded version out in the market. And by the time you are reading this there might be more versions out.
As of now I know of H50 that out and upgrade to H9.

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